List of The Bill characters (Q-Z)

This is a list of characters from the police drama The Bill ordered alphabetically by character surname. For a full list of characters ordered by rank, see list of The Bill characters. The characters are all police officers or civilian staff at the fictional Sun Hill police station in London.

Character Index: List by Rank   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z    References 


Dave Quinnan

Dave Quinnan
First appearance Missing, Presumed Dead (12/10/1987)
Last appearance Quinnan part IV (27/02/2002)
Portrayed by Andrew Paul
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Dave, like many of his colleagues, had not decided to join the police force immediately but had instead trained as an electrician and had worked on oil rigs in Aberdeen.[1] His family is quite large and he is a good friend but he did not join the police to be a good samaritan. Instead he decided that someone had to keep the peace and hold authority and thought that it might as well be him.

Dave then joined the police force, but only arrives at Sun Hill one year later. He chooses to defy regulations by continuing to put his electrical skills to work for some extra money but he eventually worries that this will be discovered.

Dave initially judges people on first appearances but soon learns to be more cautious. He is a good friend, especially to PCs Tony Stamp and Steve Loxton and is consistently backed by Sergeant Bob Cryer when his methods are seen to be somewhat unconventional.

When he was stabbed by a gang of youths on the Jasmine Allen estate[1] he subsequently suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. After an affair with PC Polly Page and a marriage breakdown, Dave left Sun Hill, transferring to SO10.


Pete Ramsey

Pete Ramsey
First appearance Good Will Visit (26/07/1988)
Last appearance Don’t Like Mondays (25/07/1989)
Portrayed by Nick Reding
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Pete, 24, is a tough, flash East End boy. His uniform is pressed, spotless, and seems to fit better than other people's; his car is a 1970s Porsche 911 in immaculate condition. Formerly, a plain-clothes officer, he was moved to Sun Hill and put back into uniform after allegations that he cheated other police officers in a card game. Confident, but not without arrogance, Pete often has run-ins with senior officers for insubordination and discipline. In one way, Pete is not a good copper, he certainly breaks the rules. He would take a backhander from an unlicensed trader or do a deal over a minor offence; he does not expect to pay for a new shirt or a packet of cigarettes. In another way, he is a very good copper; bright, self-reliant and at ease in the inner city. He may have been a bent cop, but he is not on the side of the villains. He is on the side of Pete Ramsey.

Ironically, the man who lives a nasty life is shot while protecting 'Tosh' Lines during a bank robbery. His exact fate was never revealed on screen although many official sources state he died.

'The Bill 4' novel however, reads that one week after Yorkie's resignation (22 Aug 1989), news was received that Ramsey was pulling round and out of danger. And how a few days later it was confirmed that he was to be invalided out of the Force, with speculation about the kind of pension he would be getting. It is likely though Ramsey died suddenly a short time after this, and in Dave Quinnan's first episode in December 1989, Tom Penny tells him of how "the man who had your locker had some very nasty habits", to which Quinnan opened to find a pornographic magazine. As Sgt. Penny spoke of the man in the past tense, and considering who of the recently departed male characters (Frank, Ramsey, Smith and Haines) would keep porn in their locker at the station, it would appear to be an indirect statement from the writers that Ramsey was deceased.

Liz Rawton

Liz Rawton
First appearance Liar (10/09/1996)
Last appearance Judgement Day (21/12/1999)
Portrayed by Libby Davison
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Constable / Detective Inspector
Spouse(s) None

Liz was born in Newcastle upon Tyne and joined Northumbria Police when she was a cadet of 18. She later joins Sun Hill as a DC, after a stint with SO11 (Criminal Intelligence).[2] She replaced DC Alan Woods. Liz knew DS Don Beech prior to arriving at Sun Hill. Barely having introduced herself, Liz was dispatched to go to the aid of DC Suzi Croft, who was having a rather dire day at court. Liz was wary of the boys' insistence that she'd like Suzi, but soon found that they were right, as the two quickly became firm friends.

Equally as no-nonsense as Suzi, but much more even-tempered, Liz had a sharp wit to match her astute mind. She was immediately at home in Sun Hill CID and quickly became popular amongst her colleagues. She was often the voice of reason, both in and out of the office, when things got a little fraught. Liz was also appreciated for her sound advice and conscientious approach to her work, by CID and uniform alike. She also appeared to have a keen eye for spotting potential in younger officers, such as PC Nick Slater, who she felt, had a talent for undercover work. Nick eventually decided to transfer to SO10.

Late in 1999, she is abducted. The experience makes her decide to leave Sun Hill and take a training position at Hendon. It is here where she is promoted to Detective Sergeant. When DCI Frank Burnside is tracking two corrupt officers in Newcastle upon Tyne, he asks Liz to accompany him back up to her home city due to her knowledge of the police force involved and the area.

Liz returns to Sun Hill four months after her initial departure, along with DS Rosie Fox, to give evidence against disgraced PC Eddie Santini in his trial for murder of his lover, Jessica Orton. Following the trial, she transfers to Serious Crimes Unit and is for a while, Acting Detective Inspector.

She returns to Sun Hill for a final time in 2001 as Acting Detective Inspector to head up 'Operation Magenta' to catch a dangerous serial rapist. This operation results in the resignation of PC Roz Clarke after being attacked and the discovery of two corrupt police officers.

Kim Reid

Kim Reid
First appearance Street Smart (20 December 1990)
Last appearance Somebody Special (13/02/1992)
Portrayed by Carolyn Pickles
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Chief Inspector

Kim Reid, portrayed by Carolyn Pickles, replaced DCI Gordon Wray. CID weren't expecting a female boss and weren't pleased when she arrived. Kim arrived at Sun Hill with a sandwich in one hand, and a prisoner in the other. Eventually those around her came to appreciate her sharpness, toughness and sense of humour. Perhaps this is why she was presented with a silver tankard as a parting gift.[3] She left Sun Hill to join the Internal Investigations division. She returned later to the series for a while as a Detective Superintendent.

Cass Rickman

Cass Rickman
First appearance Borderline (29/06/1999)
Last appearance Episode 071 (12/12/2002)
Portrayed by Suzanne Maddock
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Cass, a Roman Catholic, was a fun loving person who goes about her duties with a bubbly attitude. She had an on/off relationship with Sun Hill journalist Simon Kitson, much to the disapproval of his sister, Pat Kitson, who is later revealed as the Sun Hill Serial Killer. Cass ultimately falls foul of Kitson, and becomes her sixth and final victim when Kitson is on the run. She was in love with PC Nick Klein whom she helped when he revealed he was a drug addict. Her Death shocked everyone Sun Hill especially her close friends PC Kerry Young and Roberta Cyer and also shook Nick Klein who fell in love with her and found her body.

Paul Riley

Paul Riley
First appearance On the Hook part I (03/11/00)
Last appearance Episode 008 (16/04/02)
Portrayed by Gary Grant
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Constable

Paul is one of the detectives brought to Sun Hill from Barton Street, following the Don Beech scandal. A laidback character, he was born and bred in London, but has an Irish background. He later dies in The Sun Hill Fire, which destroys the CID offices he is in, partying with colleagues.

Ted Roach

Ted Roach
First appearance A Friend In Need (23/10/84)
Last appearance Punch Drunk (15/5/93)
Portrayed by Tony Scannell
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Sergeant

Edward John "Ted" Roach served at Sun Hill for nearly ten years. He later resigned after he punched Inspector Andrew Monroe in the face during an argument at the station. Earlier the same day, PC Dave Quinnan and PC Tony Stamp caught Ted in a fight when they were called out to a pub. This was with Mark Leonard, over one of Ted's many ex-girlfriends (Lisa Bright, a WPC from another station). Ted then became a private detective and, years later, helped out at Sun Hill by assisting Jim Carver with a murder case. He was later killed in a hit-and-run incident. DCI Jack Meadows and retired Officers Bob Cryer and Alec Peters represented the station at Ted's Funeral.

Nate Roberts

PC Nate Roberts
First appearance Collateral Damage (17/10/07)
Last appearance Death Knock (10/08/10)
Portrayed by Ben Richards
Nickname(s) Nate
Gender Male
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable
Relatives 3 sisters
Nationality English

Police Constable 876 Nathaniel Roberts arrived in October 2007 a friendly and approachable man though he has a roving eye for the ladies and certainly isn't lacking in self-confidence. He has been played by actor Ben Richards since 2007.[4]

Nate is upfront about playing the field and as a result has little interest in a relationship. However, occasionally he can be over-attracted to someone and he has been known to slip up when too keen.

Overall, Nate is popular and a real people person, though not much is known about his personal life. He was the Safer Schools Officer at Deansgate School after his senior officer Sergeant Dale Smith was stabbed by teenagers.

When Nate was at Deansgate, he developed feelings for teacher, Becky James. When she was found assaulted, Nate was very worried about her and was determined to find the person responsible. Nate wanted to make a go of things with Becky but she was too focused on her career and ended their brief relationship.

Nate got a shock when fellow colleague Beth Green made a move on him on her last day, walking in on him whilst he was changing. Beth told him she fancied him and wanted to be with him, but just as he was about to admit his feelings, Beth told him she was setting him up, having been goaded into doing it as a joke by Mel Ryder and Millie Brown. Nate also had an ongoing flirtation with DI Samantha Nixon, which continued until her departure in 2009.He also had a one week relationship with a Nurse from St Hughes called Maria but she broke up with him after one week.

Billy Rowan

Billy Rowan
First appearance Cop Killer, Part 1 (05/07/07)
Last appearance Cop Killer, Part 1 (05/07/07)
Portrayed by Ben Lee
Occupation Police Officer
Title Probationer Police Constable

Sun Hill was Billy's first posting as a probationer, as he had just completed training at Hendon. Billy was Sun Hill's shortest serving officer, murdered on his first day after being led into a trap in a disused factory. Billy's throat was slit from behind by "cop killer", Greg Farnham, who had a grudge against the police, after his daughter was shot by her ex-boyfriend, despite numerous warnings to the police that he was a dangerous man. Farnham killed Billy in revenge after his murder attempt on Sgt. Doug Wright failed.

PC Billy Rowan was the first officer to die in his first (and only) episode.

Mel Ryder

PC Melanie Ryder
First appearance Gun Runner, Trigger Happy 2/7/2008
Portrayed by Rhea Bailey
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Mel is upbeat, ballsy and straight-talking. If she had a mission statement, it would be 'Life’s for living. Go for it!' This is a woman who lights up a room with a ready laugh and bright smile. However, she’s also tough and commands respect because she won’t compromise anyone. If her direct approach causes offence, it won’t last – no one can stay angry with her for long (well, maybe the crims). Mel’s a great team player; her courage and strength mean she’s a great person to have on side. And that bright smile – it's infectious!


Eddie Santini

Eddie Santini
First appearance Storyboards (29/01/1998)
Last appearance The Trial Of Eddie Santini (02/04/2000)
Portrayed by Michael Higgs
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Santini arrives at Sun Hill after being denied a position in CID with the crime squad, being deemed untrustworthy by his superiors.[1] Although his tendency to disregard the rules continues at Sun Hill, his sense of humour makes him relatively popular with the relief and his Italian looks are especially popular with female officers.

Eddie's popularity declines somewhat after being placed on an undercover operation with PC Rosie Fox. His persistent advances towards her lead to him almost raping her. Following this, he ultimately forces Rosie to transfer from Sun Hill, spreading lies and making malicious phone calls to her.[1]

His bullying does not stop there, however, and he is soon recognised as a problem at the station. His involvement in a drug operation leads to his ex-girlfriend's death[1] and the incident is then investigated by Rosie, who has been promoted to Detective Sergeant in her absence from Sun Hill. Her investigation leads to Eddie's trial because his involvement was uncovered, but he is found not guilty. He becomes a witness in the trial of a high profile villain and is subsequently shot and killed in his home.

Eva Sharpe

Eva Sharpe
First appearance 2 May 2002
Last appearance 10 March 2004
Portrayed by Diane Parish
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Constable
Spouse(s) Paul Sharpe
  • Joanna Sharpe
    (daughter, with Paul)
    * Sammy Sharpe
    (son, with Paul)

Eva quickly makes her mark at the station by being a feisty and instinctively good. Instantly amongst all her colleagues, she is warm, loud, funny and quick-tempered. Initially she gets on poorly with her direct superior Debbie McAllister but after Debbie falls pregnant to Superintendent Tom Chandler, the two find a mutual respect for each other and become friends.

Eva and her husband Paul, an Environmental Health Officer, have two young children. A straightforward working class girl, Eva does not worry about all that 'having it all' and 'work versus family' nonsense. She just gets on with things. She has always been aware that her colour is an advantage within the force. She knows full well that it got her into CID, and tells anyone who cares to listen. One of the main reasons Eva joined the police was because she was savvy enough to realise which way the wind would blow, and she reckoned, rightly, that she could benefit. The flipside is the racism she encounters from both colleagues and public alike. Eva handles this with characteristic directness, she does not let anybody get away with anything.

While she is a lively addition to CID, she is popular with uniform too, and knows the valuable contacts they can provide her with. Cut from the same cloth as DCI Meadows, she does not suffer fools gladly. She likes order, so she likes law, and is determined to make her mark at Sun Hill.

Unfortunately she clashes with new DI, Neil Manson. The two never quite see eye to eye on matters, policing or personal. His attempts to have her transferred are tempered by DCI Meadows who arranges for Eva to join MIT.

After leaving Sun Hill, Eva is assigned to one of the Metropolitan Police's Murder Investigation Teams. Her new boss, DI Trevor Hands is initially suspicious as to why Eva was transferred to his team, thinking she had been sent to spy on him by his superiors who he thinks do not trust him to run the team. Eva is welcomed onto the team by DS Rosie MacManus, who tells Trevor to cut her some slack. Eva eventually proves herself to DI Hands who grudgingly admits to Rosie that Eva is a good copper.

Rod Skase

Rod Skase
First appearance He Who Waits (11/01/94)
Last appearance Streetwise (17/02/00)
Portrayed by Iain Fletcher
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Constable

Rod Skase was the definition of suave. The trouble was that he knew it only too well. His arrogance was supplemented by a sarcasm that could be withering and he rarely shied away from an opportunity to score points off another officer. Rod not only saw himself as superior to those in uniform, but superior to most of his CID colleagues as well, regardless of rank. Rod also liked to think of himself as a ladies’ man; however his chauvinistic tendencies meant that he rarely impressed any of them, least of all his female co-workers.

He seemed happiest working alongside those in CID, such as DS John Boulton, who preferred action to words and didn’t stick rigidly to the rules. Boulton was perhaps the closest thing to a friend Rod made amongst his colleagues, who generally considered Rod likeable despite his arrogance, but not completely reliable. Rod also appeared to be genuinely troubled by Jim Carver’s descent into alcoholism although this did not stop him from offering Carver a Whisky to win a bet.

Rod had a somewhat tempestuous working relationship with his fellow DC, the diminutive yet feisty Suzi Croft. At best, they gently bickered with each other. At worst, they practically came to blows. Although it gradually became apparent that there was something deliberate in his provocation towards her, it took Suzi’s sudden decision to leave Sun Hill for it to be strongly implied that Rod actually cared about her a good deal more than he let on.

Despite his intelligence and quick thinking, Rod never quite seemed to grasp the old adage that pride comes before a fall and on more than one occasion he found himself looking like a prat, or worse, berated by Deakin or Meadows. Whilst he did get results, there were instances when he teetered on the brink in order to do so, and perhaps it was only a matter of time before he went over the edge. His biggest screw-up turned out to be his last. Attempting to crack the case of a missing child, Rod made the fatal error of trying to force facts to fit the evidence by getting a witness to lie. When the child was found dead, Meadows threatened to have Rod charged with perverting the course of justice. Devastated by the child’s death and knowing that his job was seriously on the line, Rod resigned.

Vik Singh

Vik Singh
First appearance On The Hook (Part 1) (03/11/2000)
Last appearance Episode # 006 (04/04/2002)
Portrayed by Raji James
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Sergeant

Vik arrives at Sun Hill in the aftermath of the Don Beech Scandal. He later leaves after he hospitalises a suspect. DCI Jack Meadows learns of this and immediately suspends him, pending a Complaints Investigations Bureau (CIB) investigation. Vik is not prepared to wait for the result of the inquiry, as he knows the probable outcome, and instead decides to resign with immediate effect. Vik now works as a taxi driver in the Greater London area.

Suzie Sim

Suzie Sim
First appearance Episode 246 (22/09/2004)
Last appearance Episode 425 (19/07/2006)
Portrayed by Wendy Kweh
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Constable

When Suzie arrives at Sun Hill, she soon makes an impression upon her new colleagues. Very ambitious and confident, Suzie is an unsympathising woman who is cut from the same cloth as DI Neil Manson. Coincidentally enough, she had worked with Neil at her previous station, and it is immediately clear upon her arrival, that she and the DI are on the same wavelength. As a former Child Protection Team officer, her experience makes her an asset to the Community Safety Unit. Intimidating and manipulative, she is never the most popular of officers at Sun Hill, and never got on very well with DC Gary Best; at one point, he accuses her of bullying, and planned to pursue the complaint until his sudden transfer to Manchester.

Wanting to get as far as she can in the least possible time, she applies for promotion to the rank of Detective Sergeant, and following a vacancy caused by the transfer of DS Ramani DeCosta, she almost succeeds. At the last minute, however, DCI Jack Meadows offers the job to DS Stuart Turner, who seizes it with both hands. Initially disappointed at having missed out on the job, she applies for a position with the Kidnap Squad and once again finds herself competing with Stuart for the job. This time however, she is successful, and she leaves Sun Hill behind to take up the posting.

Nick Slater

Nick Slater
First appearance New Moves (07/03/1995)
Last appearance Free to Speak? (03/10/1997)
Portrayed by Alan Westaway
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Slater first appeared at Sun Hill as a probationer along with PC Debbie Keane and was initially regarded as one with blatant disregard for authority.[1] Nevertheless he still found it difficult not to respect those at the station with experience.

PC Tony Stamp was responsible for supervising Slater's probationary period and often worried about his apparent lack of thought when entering unknown situations.[1] Despite the fact that he was not the brightest at the station, Slater was somewhat popular with the Relief.

After several successful undercover operations, Slater left Sun Hill to pursue further challenges with SO10.[1] He has a girlfriend called Tonicha.

Dale Smith

Smithy first arrived at Sun Hill police station as a PC, having served with the Queen's Royal Fusiliers. Smithy later left Sun Hill in order to take up a position with SO19, but returned two years later as a Sergeant. In 2009, Smithy received a second promotion when he was promoted to the rank of Inspector after Rachel Weston took up a position with Superintendent Heaton's people trafficking unit.

DC Kate Spears

Detective Constable Kate Spears
First appearance On The Hook – Part I (03/11/2000)
Last appearance Episode 008 (16/04/2002)
Portrayed by Tania Emery
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Constable / Call Sign, DC Spears

Kate arrives at Sun Hill as a replacement in CID following the department's clearout in the wake of the Don Beech Scandal. She later has an affair with station Superintendent Tom Chandler and also with DC Mickey Webb. Shortly after ending her relationship with Chandler and promising to expose their affair she is killed in the first Sun Hill Fire.

Tony Stamp

Tony Stamp
First appearance Some You Win, Some You Lose (28/09/1987)
Last appearance Rescue Me (05/11/2009)
Portrayed by Graham Cole
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Tony has always been a fundamentally decent person. When his father's care becomes too much of a financial burden for him to bear with a policeman's salary alone, Tony takes on a second job as a taxicab driver to fund his father's care. He is considered to be one of the most popular characters with the real police. A real police commissioner even once offered Graham Cole an application form to join the force.

After accidentally killing a pedestrian in a car chase, Tony goes on trial for vehicular manslaughter. He is forced to face a court trial and a police disciplinary hearing, but manages to keep both his job and his position as driver of Sun Hill's area car.

Later, Tony is the subject of an accusation of sexual harassment from a young lad called Lee Dwyre. The allegations are false, but the longevity of the investigation, and the public's reaction to the possibility leaves him reeling. It also damages his hitherto unbroken friendship with Jim Carver.

When PC Yvonne Hemmingway is under suspension of police brutality, and facing a murder trial for killing a thug with her ASP, Tony hesitates before using his own ASP when confronted by some youths and in that split second they launch a vicious assault on him that leaves him fighting for his life. Yvonne is later acquitted.

Tony has been happy as a PC for over twenty years, preferring what he considers the real work of directly catching criminals. He is strong, so other officers are happy to have him watching their backs.

Later on, Tony's position is threatened by his new Superintendent John Heaton. He assigns Tony and Reg Hollis to investigate a case concerning a missing dog. Tony and Reg, however, prove their worth when they uncover a murder that had previously been undetected and arrest the culprit.

Shortly before the relaunch of The Bill on 5 November 2009, producers decided that Tony Stamp 'doesn't fit' the show's 'new dynamic', and so the character has been axed. Graham Cole has said that Tony will be sent to training school and possibly appear in odd episodes.

Tony's last appearance was on 5 November 2009. Tony tells Smithy that he has accepted another job at Hendon as an Advanced Driving Police Instructor and he leaves Sun Hill.[5]

Detective Sergeant / Detective Inspector Claire Stanton

Detective Inspector Claire Stanton
First appearance Millennium (23/09/1999)
Last appearance All Fall Down (Part 2) (31/10/2000)
Portrayed by Clara Salaman
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Inspector

Claire arrives at Sun Hill as a Detective Sergeant to investigate corruption at the station, which ultimately leads to her exposing DS Don Beech as being a corrupt officer. While at Sun Hill, Claire is involved in an on-off relationship with colleague DS John Boulton. When Beech kills Boulton in a fight and subsequently escapes Claire vows she will track Beech down and bring him to justice. Six months later, Claire returns to CIB as a Detective Inspector when information is received from the New South Wales police that leads her to Sydney, where Beech is now living. Claire goes to Sydney determined to get Beech extradited however, the slippery Beech, evades her again. She finally catches up with him as he is leaving on a boat, but rather than watch him escape again she grabs a shotgun from a nearby armed officer and fires it at the boat, which explodes. With Beech apparently dead Claire resigns from the police force and takes a job working in security.

While working for a security firm, she is tasked with retrieving some documents for an Arab client that were stolen during a £6 million robbery of a safe deposit centre in Mayfair. After getting information about the heist from a former colleague in the force, Claire applies pressure to the manager, who the police are convinced is involved. He agrees to get the documents back but Claire is shocked when she sees Beech's girlfriend, Frankie delivering the documents. Convinced that her nemesis faked his death back in Sydney, Claire begins to dig further. Later, she receives an anonymous text message telling her Beech will be meeting a contact in a local cemetery. When Claire arrives at the cemetery, Beech sees her first and bundles her into the boot of his car and takes her to an abandoned MOD bunker. Beech is desperate to find out how Claire found him and tortures her but she reveals nothing. Instead, she begins to play mind games with him trying to split him from Frankie. When Beech leaves, Frankie tries to kill Claire by taking her outside and running her over, this fails and Claire escapes and flags down a passing car. Unfortunately the driver is Beech and he takes her back inside. The police are closing in though, two members of Beech's gang are arrested and evidence is found that leads them to the bunker, where Claire and Beech are now trapped after the lock jams. Beech escapes again, up a ventialtion shaft, and watched from nearby as Claire is taken away in an ambulance.

Determined to find Beech, Claire discharges herself from the hospital. She follows Beech's contact who unknowingly leads her right to him. She tells Beech that he is being double crossed but is knocked out when his accomplice returns. She regains consciousness just in time to follow them and confronts them on the top of a London office building. In the ensuing struggle, Beech is stabbed with a needle containing morphine and Claire manages to get his gun. Beech taunts her to kill him but she will not give him the easy way out as she sees it and calls the police. Beech is sentenced to life and as he is led away again taunts Claire telling her she has nothing left in her life now either.

Ray Steele

Ray Steele
First appearance Kith And Kin (20/07/1993)
Last appearance Dangerous Games (11/04/1996)
Portrayed by Robert Perkins
Occupation Police Officer
Title Sergeant

Ray serves at Sun Hill for three years. He leaves Sun Hill after a death in custody, where the suspicion is originally pointed at him but he is later found to be innocent. His callsign is 55.

Callum Stone

Sergeant Callum Stone
The Bill character
First appearance Good Cop, Bad Cop (8/08/07)
Last appearance Respect, Part 2 (31/08/10)
Portrayed by Sam Callis
Gender Male
Occupation Police Officer
Title Sergeant

Sergeant Callum Stone first appears in the episode Good Cop, Bad Cop. Stone joins Sun Hill in 2007 and is portrayed by Sam Callis until The Bill was cancelled in 2010.

In the remaining few episodes it was revealed that Stone left home when he was sixteen after his father (also in the police force) was accused of raping probationer Kelly Ryan. Stone believed Ryan's allegation but his mother believed his father so Stone asked his mother to choose between them. She chose his father and Stone later joined the police force to punish his father.

Shortly after Stone's arrival at Sun Hill, he allowed a man to commit suicide in front of himself and PC Will Fletcher. Fletcher felt guilty, believing he could have saved the man's life while Stone believed he had acted appropriately as the man was a violent criminal.

In August 2010 Stone's father dies and he turns up uninvited to the funeral. His mother makes it clear that she does not want him there but Stone insists on staying saying "when he goes into the ground, I want to be there, so I'm sure". At his fathers graveside Stone attempts to speak to his mother but she makes it clear she has not forgiven him for believing Ryan over his own father. When Stone later turns up at his mothers house with a letter proving that his father raped Ryan his mother throws him out and tells him never to return.

Barry Stringer

Barry Stringer
First appearance Rites (24/05/90)
Last appearance Mouth and Trousers (15/06/93)
Portrayed by Jonathan Dow
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

PC Barry Stringer first appeared in Last Rites in 1990. He replaced PC Ken Melvin who was killed when a car bomb exploded. In contrast to the then somewhat maverick Dave Quinnan, Stringer was a liberal minded Police Officer. Not that much was revealed about his background. He is from Birmingham and it is presumed that this is where he transferred from. In one episode Stringer falls for an attractive lady who has been burgled, although it is later revealed that she set up the robbery with her brother. Although only at Sunhill for 3 years, Stringer has an eventful stint at the station. In 1991 he is nearly killed after being left dangling over the edge of a warehouse, after he chases a suspect later revealed to have stabbed Sgt Alec Peters. The following year he is mugged on his way to work. Stringer takes over as Police federation representative from PC Reg Hollis, much to the latter's annoyance. Following a row with Chief Inspector Cato he resigns from the post. He is not actually shown leaving Sunhill, although DC Carver later reveals that he has transferred, when his name is mentioned in conjunction with a case that DI Johnson is looking into. From late 1991 to the summer of 1993, Stringer featured on The Bill title sequence.


Cameron Tait

Cameron Tait
First appearance Episode 085 (30/01/03)
Last appearance Episode 230 (22/07/04)
Portrayed by Daniel MacPherson
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable
Children Emily Tait

Cameron Tait, played by Daniel MacPherson was a Police Constable at Sun Hill police station in the long running police drama The Bill. He moved to the UK from Australia to meet his daughter Emily. In Australia he was also a police officer. He moved back to Australia because he thought it was no place for a child to grow up. Emily and her mum were going to move to Australia.

Julian Tavell

Julian Tavell
First appearance
  1. 296
Last appearance
  1. 384
Portrayed by Nick Patrick
Occupation Civilian Police Staff
Title Station Reception Officer (SRO)
Spouse(s) Micheal Kellok

Police Constable Des Taviner

Police Constable Des Taviner
First appearance 4 May 2001
Last appearance 17 March 2004
Portrayed by Paul Usher
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable
Children Niamh Murphy
(daughter, with Sheelagh)
(born 2003, deceased in 2004)

Des is a former Robbery squad officer, and is initially very good at his Sun Hill job. He is friendly with Reg Hollis, with whom, at times very successfully, he plays "good cop/bad cop". After the death of Chief Inspector Derek Conway, Des is determined to make the largest donation to a collection going around the station. When apprehending a teenage suspect he finds to be in possession of a large sum of money, Des steals the money and contributes it to the collection for chief inspector Conway. After finding out that the notes are counterfeit, Des panics and decides to destroy the notes under cover of the commotion caused by race riots occurring outside the station. In perhaps his most famous scene, Des throws a petrol bomb into Inspector Andrew Monroe's office, where the notes are being kept. At this time, Sun Hill is in the middle of redevelopment, and there are some highly inflammable items in the building. Des's petrol bomb causes the famous Sun Hill fire, leading to the deaths of six police officers.

After working to conceal his role in the fire, Des frames an extremist and then goes on leave in an attempt to put the events behind him. Upon returning to Sun Hill, Des risks his own life to save a victim trapped in a burning car. While being treated for his injuries, Des confesses his crimes to Reg, and after becoming convinced his colleague will turn him in, he contemplates suicide. When Reg tells him he thought he had suffered enough, Des decides he will just have to put the whole thing behind him the best he can. Not long afterward, he starts falling for Sheelagh Murphy, and upon getting her pregnant, he is prepares to settle down and raise a family with her. His past comes back to haunt him however, when he confesses his role in the Sun Hill fire to her, and she demands he confess to Superintendent Adam Okaro. Once more believing his time is up, Des drives himself and Reg into a burning building. Reg is rescued, however nothing more than the remains of Des's radio are recovered. Unknown to the officers at Sun Hill, Des faked his own death to go on the run.

While on the run, Des meets up with Sheelagh and asks her to join him with the baby. She refuses and reveals to him that the baby had died, and that it had happened while PC Cameron Tait had been babysitting. Des immediately takes Cameron hostage, however he soon comes to realise that he actually blames himself, and he is just using Cameron to compensate. He releases Cameron unharmed. Regardless, he once more asks Sheelagh to join him on the run and this time she agrees. But Des does not know that she is working undercover for MIT to bring him to justice. The MIT plans fail, and Des is forced back into hiding. He surfaces one more time to apologise to Reg for all the grief he put him through, however Inspector Gold had suspected he would attempt to contact his best friend again and had been watching him. Des is arrested for the murder of his colleagues and taken into custody. While awaiting trial, Des is beaten to death in his cell by a manic depressive.

Leon Taylor

Leon Taylor
First appearance (12 June 2008)
Portrayed by Dominic Power
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable
Spouse(s) Natalie (Deceased)

Leon is damaged: the all-consuming love of his life, Natalie was killed in an RTA – now all he has left is the job he’s been in for six years. He hasn’t got over his partner’s death; he doesn’t really want to.

Though somewhat brooding and serious-minded, Leon also has a dry-wit and charming manner which makes him popular with the relief. However, when pushed his personality has a tendency to give way to contempt and aggression.

Leon is a reliable copper and not a rule breaker. He doesn’t want to lose the job that keeps him sane – although he’d happily kill the driver involved in Natalie’s death without batting an eyelid.

Rob Thatcher

Rob Thatcher
First appearance Episode 154
Last appearance 29 December 2004
Portrayed by Brian Bovell
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Constable
Family Brian Thatcher (father)

Rob Thatcher was a detective constable who joined the force primarily to gain revenge on the Radford family, who were responsible for the death of his father in 1983. Rob eventually gained revenge on Irene Radford, the woman who shot his father, by shooting and killing her. Rob then was gunned down by C019 officers. It is known that Rob Thatcher was once DI Samantha Nixon Boss, but when he came to Sun Hill the roles were reversed and she was an Acting DI to his DC.

Stuart Turner

Stuart Turner
First appearance Episode # 400 (23/03/2006)
Last appearance (16/07/2009)
Portrayed by Doug Rao
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Sergeant

Stuart first arrives in Sun Hill as a DC from West End Central but is offered the position of DS at Sun Hill by DCI Jack Meadows over DC Suzie Sim, the only other officer clearly interested in the position. Stuart is a replacement for DS Ramani DeCosta.

Stuart is a deeply competitive and highly ambitious detective, but is unpopular with many of his fellow colleagues in Sun Hill CID, particularly DS Phil Hunter, as he is deeply resentful of his relationship with then DS Samantha Nixon.

Stuart Turner is confident, up-front and intelligent. He joined the Sun Hill team after a spell at a West End nick. After graduating from university, he initially went into teaching, but the curriculum, day-to-day routine and endless rounds of disciplining unruly kids became tedious. He longed for more of a challenge and when his friend told him he was joining the Met, Stuart signed up too.

Deeply competitive, Stuart went on to surpass his mate at Hendon and got his first choice of borough posting. Stuart has worked his way up the ranks quite swiftly. He joined the job and instantly knew that uniform wasn't for him. His strengths always lay in detection and interviewing suspects. He loves nothing more than lulling a suspect into a false sense of security in an interview then delivering the killer question that pulls the rug from under them.

Stuart's a natural leader with apparent integrity, and takes an intellectual approach to his work. He always keeps abreast of the latest theories and can quote from psychology journals. However, he doesn't like getting his hands dirty and is happy to leave the arrests to uniform or his DCs – they can break the rules for a collar but shouldn't expect his back-up if it goes pear shaped.

Stuart has only had one mentionable relationship since joining Sun Hill, with Samantha Nixon. They quickly become serious, and move in together. When Sam discovers she is pregnant, Stuart is worried about his future, and is relieved when she has a miscarriage, which is the main cause for their breakup.

Stuart left Sun Hill with Superintendent John Heaton, after Heaton asked him, DC Walker, and Inspector Weston to join him at his new station.

Richard Turnham

Richard Turnham
First appearance Make my Day (27/06/1989)
Last appearance Full House (10/04/1990)
Portrayed by Chris Humphreys
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Richard Turnham was educated at Cambridge University. His father worked at the Home Office and his mother was a GP. He did not stay at Sun Hill long. His connections helped him to apply successfully for a position with Special Branch.[6]


Roger Valentine

Roger Valentine
First appearance Episode # 256 (3/11/2004)
Last appearance (31/8/10)
Portrayed by John Bowler
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Roger first arrives in Sun Hill after a thirteen-year absence from the force. Roger is faithful in the fight to uphold law and order, but he also firmly believes the Met has become too soft and politically correct. His views are usually dismissed by most of his fellow colleagues, but occasionally frowned upon by some.

Roger is present amongst many other uniformed officers in policing a gig at the Bombastic night club due to the tensions between Sun Hill police and the black community. Fights break out between the police and clubgoers outside, prompting the decision of Acting Sergeant Yvonne Hemmingway to allow people inside the club. Due to severe overcrowding, an overhead balcony collapses, and several people are crushed to death trying to escape. As Roger and his colleague PC Lewis Hardy stay behind to help firefighters and paramedics with the injured, an overhead lighting rig suddenly breaks loose and falls. Roger manages to push Lewis aside but is knocked to the ground by the scaffolding.

Although he physically recovers, Roger is severely traumatised by the event. Eventually he is diagnosed with Post-traumatic stress disorder and is sent on indefinite leave. He spends several months wishing he was dead but is never able to commit suicide.

Eventually he is discovered in hospital after a drinking binge. After being discharged, he visits an off-licence, which is under-siege. Roger seizes on the opportunity to die and bars the robber's exit, taunting him to shoot him. The robber complies with his wishes; however the gun malfunctions and backfires on the robber.

Roger later breaks down after realising he did not want to die. He is slowly on the road to rehabilitation.

Roger has been accused of being a racist a few times by the public. Lewis Hardy's cousin, Dominic, who as a criminal suspect has been interviewed by Roger, tells Lewis he believes Roger is a racist. Lewis then starts to pick up on little things Roger says and threatens him with official complaints on several occasions. After the Bombastic night club incident, when Roger saves Lewis's life by pushing him out of the way of the light rig, Lewis does not follow up on the racism issue. Although he seems to get on with Roger thenceforth, their professional relationship is nevertheless, strained.[7]


Kezia Walker

Kezia Walker
First appearance Episode # 419 (08/06/2006)
Portrayed by Cat Simmons
Occupation Detective
Title Detective Constable

Kezia's passion in life is nicking villains, she is a natural thief taker and a gutsy, working-class girl. She was adopted and brought up in a care home.

Kezia arrives at Sun Hill fresh out of uniform, and still on her trainee period. Having grown tired of passing cases onto CID and never seeing the end result, Kezia decided to become a detective herself in order to hopefully see more results. Upon arriving at Sun Hill she immediately rushes into a rape case, and becomes obsessed with catching the man responsible.

Kezia told Mickey Webb of how can she could become a fully fledged DC even if DI Manson doesn't notice she's there.

Kezia recently provided information about another rape case but was excluded from the case by Manson, who told her the suspect may have recognised her; really he was thinking she'd blow the case like she'd done several times before – but she didn't, instead helping to nick the culprit behind the rape attacks.

Kezia has been training since June 2006 and her DC exams are coming up in the near future.

Kezia was Promoted to a fully Detective Constable in Autumn 2008.

Kezia was written out of the show in July 2009 along with Supt. John Heaton, Insp. Rachel Weston and DS Stuart Turner.

Mickey Webb

Mickey Webb
First appearance Protect and Survive (13 April 2000)
Portrayed by Chris Simmons
Occupation Detective
Title Detective Constable (Prev. Detective Sergeant)


Mickey transferred to Sun Hill from Porter's Avenue police station near Dagenham as a cocky and ambitious 25-year-old. While good at his job he was more interested in getting results than in making friends and often rubbed his colleagues up the wrong way. On his first night shift at Sun Hill he single-handedly went after a dangerous con-man spotted in the area and clashed with June Ackland over his methods.

Following the Don Beech Scandal, Mickey was one of the four surviving CID officers and he felt some resentment towards DCI Jack Meadows for surviving the ordeal. Mickey was immediately attracted to new colleague DC Kate Spears, and they had a one-night-stand, after which Kate made it clear that she wasn't interested in a relationship.

One of Mickey's biggest cases was going undercover with a gang of football hooligans to expose a man called 'The Napp' by his friends. This case involved people to back Mickey up when undercover; Debbie McAllister,posed as his girlfriend;and Dave Quinnan and Paul Riley, both posed as his employees. Debbie, however, endangered Mickey when she came to the pub and caused 'The Napp' to doubt whether she was who she said she was. 'The Napp' subsequently beat Mickey up. During this undercover operation Mickey formed a close bond with one of the gang members, Gary Hughes, and told him a childhood story about his father's violence towards him and his mother, which he insisted was true even after it was revealed that he was a police officer. Gary ended up being killed by 'The Napp' when he was being arrested. Gary left behind a son who was just recovering from leukaemia. Mickey blamed Superintendent Tom Chandler for Gary's death, and hated him even more when he discovered he was having an affair with Kate. Mickey was present when Derek Conway was killed by a petrol bomb, and was very shaken by this, as well as angry that the bomb had been intended for Chandler who was in bed with Kate at the time. Mickey was devastated when Kate was killed in the Sun Hill fire and he and Jack banded together to bring Chandler down once and for all. Together, they uncovered his role in the rape of a girl back in his Hendon days. Jack tried to stop Mickey from uncovering Chandler but once Debbie, who had been the reason that Jack hadn't wanted to do anything, married Chandler and was consequently raped by him; even though she was 7 months pregnant, only then did Chandler take his own life.

Mickey and Jack became very close after the Chandler affair and Jack often turned to Mickey when he needed an officer who was willing to break the rules for him. When Mickey's mother Rita Marshall was killed in a hit-and-run, Jack attended the funeral with Mickey. When Mickey discovered that Jack was having a relationship with prostitute Rachel Heath, he became obsessed with breaking them up and Jack was angry at Mickey's interference, especially after Mickey inadvertently let slip that Jack's estranged wife Laura had been raped. Jack lashed out at Mickey verbally telling him that he wasn't his father and his personal life was none of Mickey's business.

Trying to make amends with Jack, Mickey arrested Martin Delaney, a punter who was giving Rachel hassle. Delaney was accidentally released and attacked Rachel, putting her in hospital. Jack blamed Mickey for this. Mickey then went after Delaney himself, but after luring him into a warehouse Delaney overpowered Mickey, tied him up and raped him. Mickey was discovered by his friend Sergeant Dale 'Smithy' Smith, who was sworn to secrecy. After seeing Smithy talking to sexual offences specialist DS Ramani DeCosta, Mickey wrongly assumed that he had told her about him and they had a fight which was broken up by Jack. Mickey then went missing for a few hours while Smithy told Jack what had happened with Delaney. Jack then found Mickey at his mother's grave, where Mickey told him what had happened, and broke down in Jack's arms. Mickey then conducted his own investigation into Delaney and discovered that Delaney had been raped himself in prison. By following Delaney's rapist Mickey tracked Delaney down, beat him up and arrested him, but Delaney then humiliated Mickey by confessing to the rape in front of Mickey's colleagues. After this Mickey finally made an official statement to Jack about the assault but was unable to face the rest of his colleagues and got a transfer to the Murder Investigation Team after a recommendation from Jack.

Guest appearances

Mickey made a series of guest appearances following his departure, the first being the live episode a few weeks after his departure in which it was revealed that Mickey now worked for MIT. Mickey returned again for Rachel Heath's trial for assault in 2004, and was disgusted to learn that Rachel was pregnant with Jack's baby, and that Jack was planning to reveal their affair to keep her out of prison. After having words with Rachel, Mickey persuaded her to plead guilty and she also told Jack that he wasn't the baby's father.

Mickey's most prominent return came in 2005 when he returned as a Detective Sergeant in the National Crime Squad with evidence of DI Neil Manson's corruption. Jack was convinced that someone in the NCS was setting Manson up and suspected Mickey when he refused to reveal his sources. They had an argument in which Mickey told Jack that no one called him Mickey any more as he was going by his birthname Michael. It later transpired that Manson and Mickey were both innocent of corruption, and that Mickey's fiance, colleague Liz Garrett was actually the bent cop. After this Mickey was advised to take a break from the force.

Return (2005-)

When Martin Delaney escaped from prison, Jack tracked down Mickey and sought his assistance in helping to re-capture him. It was thought that Delaney had broken out to take revenge on Mickey, however it turned out that he was looking to move the body of his old cellmate who had watched him being raped whilst in prison the first time. Mickey managed to get Delaney arrested for murder, however for not having informed NCS that he was working at Sun Hill while on leave, he was reprimanded and demoted back to his old rank of DC. Unable to return to NCS, Mickey accepted Jack's offer of his old job back at Sun Hill.

After returning to Sun Hill, Mickey built up a strong working relationship with his CID colleagues and especially DC Zain Nadir, whom he assisted in proving the innocence of Smithy when he was framed for murder. He also began dating press officer Mia Perry. However, Mickey continued to struggle with his rape ordeal of three years earlier and he began drinking heavily and having many one-night stands. After one drunken encounter led to Mickey being accused of rape he began to clean up his act. He also resumed his relationship with Mia, but they ultimately split after Mia slept with Mickey's boss Superintendent John Heaton.

In 2009 Mickey and DS Max Carter went on an undercover operation where they were forced to take cocaine to maintain their cover. Max became an addict and when Mickey found out he was determined to expose Max to their superiors. Mickey and Max also clashed over Max's treatment of teenage gang member Jasmine Harris. Mickey formed a friendship with Jasmine and promised to find her somewhere safe to live, but instead she was sent to a young offenders' institution. After being released Jasmine was witness to a murder carried out by her boyfriend and was taken into custody, but then released. She was then gang-raped by her boyfriend and his friends as punishment for talking to the police. Drawing on his own experience as a rape victim, Mickey persuaded Jasmine to testify against her attackers.

Rachel Weston

Rachel Weston
First appearance Street Kid (06/08/2008)
Portrayed by Claire Goose
Occupation Police Officer
Title Inspector(2008-2009)
Spouse(s) None

Rachel originally arrived to replace Nikki Wright joining Callum Stone and Dale Smith as a third uniformed sergeant. Her call sign was SO 25.

Rachel may act like top girl, but she's got a mischievous side and Sun Hill felt the full force of her arrival.

Rachel was promoted to Inspector by Superintendent John Heaton to replace Inspector Gina Gold after her unexpected departure from Sun Hill. John Heaton's reason for choosing her was that Callum Stone wanted to remain on the front line with the troops, and that Dale Smith was Acting Inspector once before and did not take to the position. Her call sign is now Sierra Oscar 1.

Rachel left Sun Hill to join Superintendent John Heaton at his new station. Sergeant Dale Smith replaced her as Inspector

Alan Woods

Alan Woods
First appearance Hands Up (14/07/1992)
Last appearance For their own Good (01/08/1996)
Portrayed by Tom Cotcher
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Constable
Spouse(s) Not named

This detective from Glasgow had seen most things in over twenty years in the force, and nothing put him off his stroke. Woods had an unblemished reputation for honesty and stability. He was married for the second time, to an English woman, although he kept his family, like his feelings on most things, close to his chest. More comfortable in a male working environment, he was quietly pleased when Chris Deakin took over as CID's boss from Sally Johnson. Alan was quite content at Sun Hill, zooming around in the Astra, bashing down doors and frog-marching suspects to the cells. He provided an island of calm in the stormy seas of CID before his transfer in 1996.

Di Worrell

Di Worrell
First appearance Weekends are for Wimps (30/03/99)
Last appearance Episode 008 (16/04/02)
Portrayed by Jane Wall
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

PC Di Worrell was a people person. She loved a gossip and a laugh and settled easily into the male banter, whilst still remaining very much one of the girls. Few could resist her impish humour and it was not unknown for her to mischievously stir up some gossip to make a shift pass more quickly. Though she could sometimes push things a little too far, Di was a favourite among the relief. As a police officer, she was intuitive and good at her job – she usually managed to talk her way out of any confrontation before violence erupted, but if cornered she was tougher than she looked and was more than capable of looking after herself.

Born and brought up in east London, the last thing Di wanted when she joined the police was to bump into old friends on the beat so she made sure her first posting was on the other side of London. However, she grew in confidence and felt able to move a little closer to 'home'. In many ways Di was coasting and was never really challenged; as far as she was concerned life was for living not working. She was a single parent with a young son, Josh, and for most of the time kept on top of the demands of parenting combined with her busy job.

Di was one of the casualties of the Sun Hill fire when race riots got out of hand.

Gordon Wray

Gordon Wray
First appearance A Case to Answer
05 June 1990
Last appearance Street Smart
20 December 1990
Portrayed by Clive Wood
Occupation Police Officer
Title Detective Chief Inspector

Gordon Wray became the first Detective Chief Inspector at Sun Hill while DI Burnside—previously the highest-ranking detective—was there, much to Burnside's displeasure. He had a secret affair with PC June Ackland, which led to him being transferred when they were found out.

Nikki Wright

Nikki Wright
First appearance Episode 457
Last appearance Seize the Day
Portrayed by Gillian Taylforth
Occupation Police Officer
Title Sergeant

Nikki used to work in her mother's hair salon, but joined the police in order to pursue a more exciting career. Nikki is married to a fellow Sergeant, Doug and has two children as well as two stepchildren.

Nikki made a distinct impression on the relief at Sun Hill after she helped them deal with an armed robbery on Sun Hill's patch. Nikki eventually transferred from neighbouring station Barton Street because her husband Doug was also a Sergeant there and it was difficult working together. Superintendent John Heaton employed her only reluctantly on the recommendation of corrupt DAC Hobbs despite wishing to promote PC Yvonne Hemmingway.

In July 2007, Nikki's husband Doug was stabbed but survived the stabbing. Shortly after the incident, two new recruits Constables Sally Armstrong and Billy Rowan arrived in Sunhill, with Nikki and PC Emma Keane assigned to "puppywalk" them. Near the end of a shift, the four attended a shout involving kids throwing stones at a disused cheese factory, where Billy volunteered to enter the building with Nikki. It turned out to be a trap laid by Greg Farnham, the man responsible for Doug's stabbing, who trapped Billy behind a metal sliding door, separating Billy from contact and assistance from Sgt. Nikki Wright on the other side, Farnham wrestled Billy to the ground and slit his throat. A distraught Nikki tried unsuccessfully to resuscitate him, and eventually had to be pulled off the body by DC Terry Perkins, blaming herself for his death. The unsuccessful attempts of Nikki to radio for assistance when she discovered Billy's body after running around the long way to gain access to the room she was locked out of, was down to her Personal Radio (PR) failing, as she couldn't get a signal to use it as she was in a building.

In Nikki's first episode it was revealed that she had completed her police training in 1978, the same day as June Ackland. In 2006 Nikki was stationed at Barton Street with husband Sergeant Doug Wright and best friend DS Janine Buxton. In November Doug told Nikki to put in an application to transfer to Sun Hill. Sgt. Wright was originally drafted after DAC Georgia hobbs wanted her over PC Yvonne Hemmingway to replace Sgt Sheelagh Murphy.


Kerry Young

PC Kerry Young
First appearance Episode 025 (11/07/2002)
Last appearance Episode 254 (21/10/2004)
Portrayed by Beth Cordingly
Occupation Police Officer
Title Police Constable

Kerry Young was described as a sparky, down to earth and upbeat woman with confidence. She was brought up single handedly by her father George because her mother died when she was four years old. Gregarious and friendly, Kerry always enjoyed a group situation, thriving on the approval of others. A career in the police force offered her a team atmosphere and ordered structure that she craved from the services, so she signed herself up straight from school.

Kerry first appeared as a woman who PC Nick Klein met in a nightclub and they went on to have a one-night stand. Much to Nick's embarrassment, she turned up the following morning as the new recruit at Sun Hill.

A young woman who lived life to the full, she was a great believer in fate and had an optimistic sense of "everything will work out for the best". Unfortunately this attitude sometimes led Kerry into trouble when she didn't weigh up the consequences against actions. She frustrated the older members of the relief with her occasional bursts of rashness brought on by frustration. Always leaping before she looked, on the whole Kerry tended to land on her feet – or her natural charm enlisted someone else to help her extricate herself from most of her scrapes. On the rare occasion that her charm didn't work, or if someone decided they didn't like her, she'd become petulant.

Marriage to Luke Ashton

Shortly after arriving at Sun Hill, Kerry fell for PC Luke Ashton and the two began a relationship that very quickly led to an engagement. Kerry and Luke were married soon afterwards but unbeknownst to Kerry, Luke was gay and had a one-night stand with Sergeant Craig Gilmore on his stag night.

It wasn't until Kerry announced she was expecting a baby that she discovered the truth about Luke and that he had been unfaithful to her. Heartbroken, Kerry decided to have an abortion but was persuaded by Luke not to go through with it. Despite listening to him, Kerry told Luke that their marriage was over and left him. Sadly, she had a miscarriage shortly afterwards.

Relationship with Dale Smith

Several months later when a new Sergeant arrived at Sun Hill, Luke was surprised to see an old face return – Dale Smith. Kerry fell for him immediately and had a light-hearted flirtation with him, resulting in them kissing on his first day back at Sun Hill. A relationship developed between the two, much to the dismay of Luke. Luke later left Sun Hill and Kerry was heartbroken, having begged him to move away with her and vowed that she would never let a man treat her like that again.

Some time later, Smithy built up the courage to ask Kerry out on a date, which she accepted, but he later backed out when he decided that an intimate relationship between a Sergeant and a PC would not work and denied that he was attracted to her. But Kerry knew Smithy couldn't resist his chances with her and seduced him in the back of his car during an obbo, only to be interrupted by PC Des Taviner. Smithy thereafter made it clear to Kerry that their relationship was strictly professional, but later regretted pushing her away.

Love Triangle with Smithy and Cameron Tait

Following a drunken night of passion, Kerry began a relationship with PC Cameron Tait. However, what she didn't realise was that she was caught up in a love triangle with both Cameron and Smithy, as both men were pining for her affections. Smithy's jealousy of Cameron led him to warning Cameron about Kerry's so-called 'reputation' and Cameron stormed off after a row with Kerry on the subject. Kerry grew ever more irate with Smithy's jealous behaviour and accused him of trying to ruin her relationship with Cameron. After a heavy drinking session, Kerry and Smithy slept together.

However, Kerry had no recollection of her night of passion with Smithy and felt gulity for cheating on Cameron. But unfortunately, corrupt officer PC Gabriel Kent took advantage and manipulated her into believing that Smithy had raped her, persuading her to make an official allegation. Kerry did not realise that Gabriel was in fact using her to get one over Smithy out of his hatred for the Sergeant, but then decided not to press charges against Smithy. But Gabriel wouldn't let it rest and deliberately damaged Smithy's reputation with the relief by spreading word of the allegation around the whole station and telling Cameron against Kerry's will.

To make matters worse, when Smithy was acting duty officer at an armed robbery at a bank where the manager had a bomb strapped to his waist, Kerry offered to chaperone the manager and Cameron chose then to confront her about the rape allegation against Smithy. Kerry was momentarily distracted by Cameron's demand for answers that she desserted her post for a split second and the bomb went off, killing the manager and nearly Kerry herself. In the aftermath of the explosion, the rumour that Smithy was a rapist had become the talk of the whole station and Kerry and Cameron lied about neglecting their duties when Cameron admitted to talking to Kerry before the bomb went off, but Gabriel stole the CCTV footage that showed Kerry desserting her post just before the explosion.

Things then got even more out of hand when PC Andrea Dunbar, an undercover journalist, leaked the story of the rape allegation to the press. Now that word of the allegation was in print, Kerry was forced to decide whether or not she would make the allegation official and press charges against Smithy. The allegation resulted in the station being divided over whose side everyone was on and when Smithy was asked to put in for a voluntary transfer, Kerry realised that even though he had taken advantage, he hadn't raped her. Realising that Smithy was incapable of rape, Kerry dropped the allegation completely and insisted for him to stay at Sun Hill.

Despite Kerry's affair with Smithy, she and Cameron decided to give their disastrous relationship another try.

Attack by Gabriel Kent and Downfall

Kerry began to question Gabriel's friendship when he kissed her while out on call. Cameron later surprised her with a marriage proposal, which she at first rejected. But she inadvertently let news of the proposal slip to Gabriel when he kept discussing the kiss with her and she tried to explain that they were just friends and nothing more. After inadvertently blurting out to Gabriel that she had accepted the proposal, she rushed to Cameron and agreed to marry him. But the new engagement enraged the increasingly menacing Gabriel even further and when Kerry pushed him away one final time, he accused her of 'winding him up' and 'leading him on' and took out all his anger and jealousy on her by violently raping her. Shocked and traumatised by the vicious attack, Kerry confided in Cameron but Gabriel convinced him that Kerry slept with him willingly and was just the girl who cried rape when she was unfaithful, for he knew that no one would believe her after the allegations against Smithy. Kerry was distraught when Cameron didn't believe her and ended their relationship.

Knowing she couldn't report him, Gabriel mentally taunted Kerry and played sick mind games with her, before later admitting to Cameron that he did indeed rape her. Cameron convinced Kerry to report the rape, but Gabriel made sure Kerry kept quiet by blackmailing her with the CCTV footage from the armed robbery at the bank he had stolen and threatened to end her career with the evidence proving she had neglected her duty that resulted in a man's death if she reported the rape. Kerry was left with no choice but to remain silent about everything and Gabriel then played his last sick game with her when he deliberately goaded Cameron into assaulting him in the station canteen. Cameron's career was put on the line after his attack on Gabriel and he left Sun Hill the next day and returned to Australia without Kerry. Kerry went completely off the rails when she realised she couldn't tell the truth that her life was destroyed and she gave up completely. No longer happy-go-lucky, Kerry turned into a very different person, alienated herself from her friends and colleagues and was guided by a darker force.

Her self-destructive behaviour led her to helping DC Rob Thatcher to expose the highly criminal family, the Radfords by going unofficially undercover and even starting a relationship with David Radford. Smithy had become alarmed by Kerry's self-destructive behaviour and when he learned of her undercover mission with the Radfords, he sussed her out but then organised a raid when she reported what she had discovered. However, Irene, David and Wayne Radford discovered Smithy and he and Kerry were exposed as police officers, resulting in the two nearly getting killed in the fallout. But despite the attempted murder, Kerry continued to consort with David and when later exposed, Inspector Gina Gold warned her that her career at Sun Hill was on the line.

However, Kerry soon realised where her priorities lay when she caught David with another woman. When David held an armed robbery, Kerry sabotaged the operation and arrested him. But when it seemed that David Radford would finally be put away, Irene Radford presented evidence proving that Kerry had helped plan the robbery and persuaded David to go through with it in the first place, acting as an agent provocateur. This resulted in Kerry being arrested and suspended from the Met.

Smithy declares his love

The day after her suspension, Kerry's father was hospitalised after having a stroke. Kerry knew just how ruined her life was after her rape and how she had only made things worse with her foolish actions with the Radfords. When Smithy discovered her whereabouts, he dashed to her side to ensure her safety. Wrecked with shame at how she had disgraced the Force, Kerry relived all the folly of her life and poured out the error and foolishness of her mistakes. Smithy was completely sympathetic towards her and comforted her, but he realised that he had to tell her how much she really meant to him. It was at that moment that he finally declared his love for her.

Kerry finally discovered the true depths of her feelings for Smithy, realising that she was in love with him and always had been all along. He helped her to realise that there was still something good in her life and that there was still hope for her. Kerry finally began to see the light once again.

Kerry's death

Kerry had discovered that Gabriel was working with the Force under a false identity and Andrea's role an undercover journalist. Kerry decided to reveal all the secrets she knew before resigning from the Force, prompting her to declare her love for Smithy. But just moments after Kerry told Smithy she loved him too, their life together was cruelly cut short when the evil Gabriel, determined to stop Kerry from exposing him, took aim from the rooftop of a nearby building with a sniper rifle and shot her. Gabriel later realised that Kerry was carrying his baby son from the rape.

Kerry was mercilessly gunned down in the arms of the man she loved and Smithy cradled her as she was left fighting for her life, remaining at her side when she was rushed to hospital. Upon arrival, Smithy watched helplessly as the doctors tried to resuscitate Kerry. But they lost their battle to save her and Smithy broke down when Kerry died.

Devastated and heartbroken, Smithy went mad with grief and swore out of all his love for Kerry that he would find whoever killed her and avenge her death.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h PC Dave Quinnan, The Bill Biographies
  2. ^ Silver, Rachel (1999). The Bill: The Inside Story: Behind the Scenes of Britain's Top Police Drama. London: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-00-257137-1.
  3. ^ Kingsley, Hilary(1994). The Bill: The First Ten Years. London: Boxtree. ISBN 1-85283-957-0 page 98
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^ Tibballs, G., (2003), p.156
  7. ^ Profile of Roger Valentine at What's on TV

General References